Altcoin: Any cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin.

Bitcoin: The first decentralized cryptocurrency, created in 2009 by someone using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.

Blockchain: Distributed ledger technology that stores data in a secure, transparent and immutable way.

Wallet: Software or hardware where cryptocurrencies are stored and from which you can send and receive cryptocurrencies.

Exchange (Broker): Platform where users can buy, sell and exchange cryptocurrencies.

DeFi (Decentralized Finance): Financial services on blockchains that operate without centralized intermediaries such as banks.

Token: Unit of value issued by a blockchain project, which can have several uses within that project's ecosystem.

Mining: Process of validating transactions on a blockchain and creating new currencies.

Staking: The process of holding funds in a wallet to support the operations of a blockchain network, often rewarded with additional cryptocurrencies.

Smart Contract: Programmable contract that automatically executes established conditions when certain criteria are met.

NFT (Non-Fungible Token): Type of digital token that represents ownership of unique items.

Fork: Changing the rules of a blockchain protocol that can result in two blockchains.

Hash Rate: Measure of computational power used for mining and processing transactions on a blockchain.

Cold Wallet: Type of cryptocurrency wallet that is not connected to the internet, offering greater security.

Hot Wallet: Type of cryptocurrency wallet that is connected to the internet, facilitating quick transactions.

Liquidity: Ease with which a cryptocurrency can be bought or sold in the market without affecting its price.

KYC (Know Your Customer): Process used by companies to verify the identity of their customers, as required by regulators.

Gas Fees: Fees paid to carry out a transaction or execute a smart contract on Ethereum and other blockchains.

ICO (Initial Coin Offering): Initial coin offering, a way of raising funds for new cryptocurrency projects by selling tokens.

Satoshi: Smallest unit of bitcoin, named after its mysterious creator; one Satoshi is equal to 0.00000001 bitcoin.

This is a start, but there are many more to have